Our 3rd annual Operation Christmas at Nathan Davis Elementary was a complete success, as the smiles and laughs were absolutely priceless. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing volunteers behind the scenes during the event and after!
Nearly two hundred 3rd and 4th grade students were blessed with gifts and pictures with Santa.
Special thanks to Greg for going above and beyond as Santa, literally a life saver!
Thank you Brian, Marta, Myriam, Yehuda, Henry, Kevyn, Alonso and Ruben for helping with the costumes and assisting throughout the day.
Thanks to Jasmine and Flavio for helping wrap gifts the first day.
A very special thanks to my beautiful wife Jessica, for helping me put this together within a few weeks, orchestrating the event and wrapping toys until 3am in the morning.
Thank you Jennifer Tapia from Jennifer Tapia Realtor ReMax 10 for your very generous donation of toys.
Thank you Eldy from G&S Costume for sponsoring the wonderful costumes.
Thank you everyone for supporting our business throughout the whole year as we are able to make these events possible every year. May God receive all the Glory as we are simply trying to inspire the next generation to “Pay It Forward”!
#OperationChristmas #PayItForward